New Land

In Matthew 25:21, Jesus tells the Parable of the Bags of Gold. The master gave bags of gold to his servants, according to their ability. And he praised and rewarded the servants who were faithful with a few things and put them in charge of many things. Being servants that God has entrusted with a ministry in Haiti, Rod and I have been praying about how we can make a lasting, sustainable impact there. God answered by giving us an increase.

In July, we purchased a 4-acre piece of land, a mile away from our existing home/land in Haiti. The property will be developed into a training center, demonstration gardens, and experimental gardens using vegetables and crops. We will be setting up a model farm using Farming God’s Way’s biblical, management, and technological solutions that are fully reproducible for Haitian farmers. 

We are building up and equipping nationals as they continue to break off the dependency/poverty mindset. This only happens when they come to know Jesus and see God’s all-sufficiency. 

I’m not sure how the servants in the parable felt about their responsibilities to care for many more things. But I do know that we are humbled and standing on God to provide us wisdom and financial resources to make this happen. We want to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and share your master’s happiness.”

The work begins. Removing the grass and weeds to prepare for planting gardens.