Meet The Tree Farmers

We partner with local farmers to provide a better source of income for these hard-working people. We now have 46 men and women who have agreed to work with us. Many of my new friends get up at 4am, walk 1-2 hours to their ‘gardens’,
work all day digging with a pickax and hoe, and then walk home. Their reward is food to feed their families. Most do not have extra crops to sell.

We train our farmers in sustainable farming techniques and provide them with bean and corn seeds for their ‘gardens’. The average garden size is about 1 acre.

We host educational meetings in area villages explaining the importance of trees. Each attendee receives a tree. Thousands of seedlings have been given away. 

We have also planted hundreds of seedlings on school property, teaching the next generation of the value of planting and caring for trees.

Armed with machetes in hand, my team and I cleared a weed-filled land, dug the ground and transplanted 1650 moringa seedlings. These trees will be producing leaves to be harvested, dried, and pounded into powder. This powder is high
in vitamins, minerals and protein and used to combat over 300 diseases. Goals are to educate the nationals on the importance of adding moringa to their diets for improved health and then selling the powder.

Moringa Garden: A week’s labor transplanting 1650 see
Tree ‘grove’ 2 years old